Lady Louise Images: "Fetch me old brown trousers. Bring them to me now …… Even if they sink me down they'll never see me sh*t .. heave ho!"
Lady Louise Images: Adrian, you should be THIS far over!
Lady Louise Images: Always wanted to sail with dolphins!
Lady Louise Images: Can you remember how Ceres stopped their boat?
Lady Louise Images: Can't let go of these ropes or my trousers will fall down!
Lady Louise Images: Caption please - to
Lady Louise Images: Carnage in 86's wake!
Lady Louise Images: Come on chaps, all together now, let's give them a tow!
Lady Louise Images: Da da de da da da - we can see your bottom!
Lady Louise Images: Did you see what we just did - did you get it on camera?
Lady Louise Images: Do as I say, or I'll stamp on your hand!
Lady Louise Images: Don't worry, our friends said these sail boats always give way!
Lady Louise Images: Drogues are being trialed as a new handicap system!
Lady Louise Images: Family reunion!
Lady Louise Images: Get me out of here - PLEASE!
Lady Louise Images: Girl power!
Lady Louise Images: Gosh, these remote control boats are good!
Lady Louise Images: Hope you remembered to set the alarm clock!
Lady Louise Images: Hurray, here comes the wine!
Lady Louise Images: I can't hold this mast up for much longer!
Lady Louise Images: I hope it grows by Christmas so we can decorate it!
Lady Louise Images: I hope we can stop before we run out of river!
Lady Louise Images: I knew I should have used the extra strong glue on the hairpiece!
Lady Louise Images: I really can't remember what I'm supposed to do with this ....
Lady Louise Images: I should have worn my tiara as well!
Lady Louise Images: I spy with my little eye ..... something beginning with G ...
Lady Louise Images: I think we need more ballast at the front!
Lady Louise Images: I thought you told me to quant!
Lady Louise Images: I wonder if I could sail like this if I grew a beard!
Lady Louise Images: I'll just lean a bit further - for the camera!