kate à la mode: Day 310: Naomi's Street
kate à la mode: Day 311: Naomi dit, "Allo!"
kate à la mode: Day 312: Boat to an Island Beach
kate à la mode: On the Boat
kate à la mode: Boat en route to the Beach
kate à la mode: Naomi at the Beach
kate à la mode: Looking out over the Westernmost Point of Africa
kate à la mode: Sunset near the Westernmost Point of Africa
kate à la mode: Bâtiment au Phare des Mamelles
kate à la mode: Monkeying Around
kate à la mode: Le Phare des Mamelles au Coucher de Soleil
kate à la mode: Théo shows everyone how it's done
kate à la mode: Pat looks out over the ocean
kate à la mode: Just hanging out
kate à la mode: Running Leap?
kate à la mode: Hanging off the edge of the world
kate à la mode: Upside-down
kate à la mode: All fall down!
kate à la mode: Day 313: Watching the sun set over the Point des Almadies
kate à la mode: Théo gambols along the edge of the sunset
kate à la mode: Phare des Mamelles at night
kate à la mode: Day 314: Lightning at the Phare des Mamelles
kate à la mode: Day 316: Drying Laundry
kate à la mode: Day 317: A Pair of Butterflies
kate à la mode: Packing the Sept-Place