Nancie McK:
Elephant Nature Park
Nancie McK:
First Touch
Nancie McK:
Waiting for Lunch
Nancie McK:
Give MeSome
Nancie McK:
Feeding Time...I'm Waiting!!
Nancie McK:
I'll Take All Those Bananas
Nancie McK:
Watermelon, Yum
Nancie McK:
Heading Towards the River
Nancie McK:
Bath Time
Nancie McK:
Bath Time
Nancie McK:
Bath Time
Nancie McK:
All Clean
Nancie McK:
Heading for the Mud Pit
Nancie McK:
Time for our Mud Bath
Nancie McK:
Play Time
Nancie McK:
Mud Bath
Nancie McK:
Give me a Kiss
Nancie McK:
River Bed
Nancie McK:
Along the River Bed
Nancie McK:
Crossing the River
Nancie McK:
In the Jungle
Nancie McK:
Born to Eat
Nancie McK:
Up Close and Personal...Out for a walk with the "guys and gals"
Nancie McK:
Up Close in the Jungle
Nancie McK:
Enough With The Photos!!
Nancie McK:
Room With A View
Nancie McK:
Cottage View --- Elephant Nature Park
Nancie McK:
Elephant Corral
Nancie McK:
Going for a Walk in the Jungle
Nancie McK:
Nice and Clean