lulala13: dryers meat market (aka: dad 'n' bessie)
lulala13: 2 Ertes I fell in love with
lulala13: perfect sign
lulala13: tha theatah
lulala13: liontracks
lulala13: town
lulala13: apples in the minivan, yo
lulala13: my sis
lulala13: the orchard
lulala13: kris scaling the orchard trees
lulala13: scape
lulala13: the passing of the apple
lulala13: solitary dandelion
lulala13: stand and deliver
lulala13: the 2 invalids get driven 10 feet
lulala13: nothing like a fresh picked honey crisp
lulala13: cornstalk
lulala13: applepattern
lulala13: klackle
lulala13: the spread
lulala13: twin maple orchards
lulala13: so much klackle
lulala13: we had soooooo much fun. no really, we did. despite this particular snapshot.
lulala13: queen pamela
lulala13: omg. tae signals!
lulala13: ever since that trip to japan...