Lady-bug: Magnificent Mallard
Lady-bug: A Pretty Pair
Lady-bug: Sublime Swimmer
Lady-bug: Ducky Trio
Lady-bug: Water Trails
Lady-bug: What shall we do next?
Lady-bug: Preening Festival
Lady-bug: Devoted to Ducks
Lady-bug: Reflections
Lady-bug: Deep in Thought
Lady-bug: Glaring Geese
Lady-bug: Coming and Going
Lady-bug: Pigeon stairway
Lady-bug: Badass Birds
Lady-bug: Caged Beauty
Lady-bug: Me and Mr. Scooter
Lady-bug: Contemplation
Lady-bug: Mr. Song Sparrow
Lady-bug: A Song in my Heart
Lady-bug: Morning Preening
Lady-bug: Hello, up there!
Lady-bug: Message from an angel
Lady-bug: Walkin' the line
Lady-bug: One Hundred and One
Lady-bug: Birdie Serenade
Lady-bug: Turkey under the clothesline
Lady-bug: Feather in the wind
Lady-bug: What's good for the goose . . .
Lady-bug: Up on the house top
Lady-bug: Getting ready to cross the pond (for Silverfox)