ladybugblue: hanging out with kids as they arrive in the morning
ladybugblue: Angela, Tariona, Alexis, Alex and Tate on the teeter totter
ladybugblue: playgroundiness
ladybugblue: Dr. Vinny Bones teaches about the ear
ladybugblue: Alex and her tutor
ladybugblue: Alex with Dr. Bones and her tutor
ladybugblue: The Brainiacs and their tutors and teachers
ladybugblue: Angela & some of the Brainiacs: Deon, Charles and Alyina
ladybugblue: trying to fix the ground cloth and rubber mulch at the climbing wall
ladybugblue: Climbing wall, take II
ladybugblue: ready to move a flower box?
ladybugblue: we like to move it move it
ladybugblue: round the bend
ladybugblue: will people be able to smell all the flowers?
ladybugblue: uprooting a post
ladybugblue: team effort!
ladybugblue: post. down.
ladybugblue: post #2 - tougher, so Andrew brought in the big guns
ladybugblue: filling the flower boxes
ladybugblue: more dirt
ladybugblue: an iced tea/cinnamon roll stand, to raise money for the Congolese
ladybugblue: Katie with Naomi and Miriam, with Rebecca and Hannah in the background
ladybugblue: dinner at Indian Food, the restaurant we visited Sunday
ladybugblue: Luke, Caleb, Tate and Sara with the owner of Indian Food