ladybugblue: hotel atrium
ladybugblue: the atrium of my hotel, looking out toward the Riverwalk
ladybugblue: the Riverwalk going up toward the Alamo
ladybugblue: the Alamo
ladybugblue: palisade thingys at the Alamo
ladybugblue: a synopsis of the alamo story
ladybugblue: cool beam things in a corridor at the Alamo
ladybugblue: I would like a tree like this when I grow up, please.
ladybugblue: the Riverwalk
ladybugblue: cool architecture visible from the Riverwalk
ladybugblue: Ginnie & Julie, from my class on knowledge management
ladybugblue: with Julie at Acenar, a fabulous Texmex joint on the Riverwalk
ladybugblue: bridge on the riverwalk that my camera doesn't do justice to!
ladybugblue: lights on the Riverwalk
ladybugblue: Where's Waldo?
ladybugblue: Riverwalk
ladybugblue: one of the barges that goes up and down the channels
ladybugblue: i like bridges
ladybugblue: i like masonry
ladybugblue: view of the Expo atrium
ladybugblue: I'd never seen this before: an adolescent duck (presumably Waldo's newphew?) fighting an adult (presumably Waldo?).
ladybugblue: the conquoring upstart posed good and long to make sure I captured his moment
ladybugblue: on the way to the stadium for the Spurs game
ladybugblue: view of the court
ladybugblue: the national anthem
ladybugblue: fire on the screens, pitch dark everywhere.... and the players begin to appear
ladybugblue: Duncan free throw
ladybugblue: Duncan free throw
ladybugblue: wretched pic of me, but a fun one of "us" at the game (Dee's cousin Linda came with me)
ladybugblue: on the defense