Lady AnnDerground: my smoking heart
Lady AnnDerground: The fish doesn't speak, The fish is mute because the fish knows everything...
Lady AnnDerground: you talkin' to me???
Lady AnnDerground: pena dell'alma
Lady AnnDerground: Please accept my resignation. I don't want to belong to any club that will accept me as a member
Lady AnnDerground: Sake? In the middle of the day?
Lady AnnDerground: transition
Lady AnnDerground: i would like once take a red seems so good with a blue sky!
Lady AnnDerground: a little bit of color
Lady AnnDerground: heart attack
Lady AnnDerground: Winners never quit and quitters never win
Lady AnnDerground: thank god we are all different...
Lady AnnDerground: now i can see clearly..
Lady AnnDerground: bici multicolor
Lady AnnDerground: night vision
Lady AnnDerground: i was curious....
Lady AnnDerground: I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination
Lady AnnDerground: it seems like i have time to loose...mmm...well that's right!
Lady AnnDerground: Best wide-angle lens? Two steps backward. Look for the 'ah-ha'
Lady AnnDerground: what else i have to do for living?
Lady AnnDerground: Killing time....
Lady AnnDerground: when..what you risk reveals what you value!!(noi siamo dalla parte del toro)