Lady Gooner: 1 Jan 2018 - The usual New Year’s Day walk didn’t go as planned, we got caught in a hailstorm. Zimba was not impressed.
Lady Gooner: 10 Jan - I think this is the third contract of sale I signed and sent off for this rollercoaster house move. Today was the first time we’ve ever had something from a buyer’s solicitor so at least we feel like something is happening.
Lady Gooner: 16 Jan - My beauty box arrived today.
Lady Gooner: 18th Jan - A pizza after work with my boss and colleague over from Romania
Lady Gooner: 19th Jan - Getting some use from my SAD lamp
Lady Gooner: 20 Jan - I met up with some other Ridgeback owners for a walk this morning . It was very muddy and wet but I think the dogs enjoyed it.
Lady Gooner: 21 Jan - I’ve hibernated today because the weather has been so awful. There was snow this morning and then heavy rain all day. I really need spring to spring
Lady Gooner: 22 Jan - My hands have been very sniff and achy so trying heat to loosen them up a bit.
Lady Gooner: 22 Jan - Counting rows
Lady Gooner: 24 Jan - New Slippers
Lady Gooner: 25 Jan - I’m clearly a sucker of punishment selling two houses at once! All going well so far on this one.
Lady Gooner: 26 Jan - Fireplace waiting to be plastered. Fortunately our buyers have been ok about it and we’ve explained we wanted to get it sorted for them. I was also very worried about it falling off the wall. It’s safe now and just needs finishing off.
Lady Gooner: 27 Jan - A special day with special people. I didn’t take many photos so here’s one of HMS Belfast at night.
Lady Gooner: 28 Jan - I was so hungry this morning. I met my two friends from school, with the partner of one, who is Colin’s friend (they met at our wedding). We all went for the full English.
Lady Gooner: 29 Jan - First coffee of the week at work.
Lady Gooner: 30 Jan - Millie, our house guest.
Lady Gooner: 31 Jan - I went to the small coffee shop a short walk from work because it looked nice weather. I got caught in a hailstorm on the way back. I won’t change careers to a weather forecaster.
Lady Gooner: 1 Feb - Curry with friends
Lady Gooner: 2 Feb - Company breakfast
Lady Gooner: 3 Feb - Haircut and colour day
Lady Gooner: 4 Feb - Eye Test day. I hate going to the optician but today wasn’t too bad.
Lady Gooner: 6 Feb - A quick drink in our local.
Lady Gooner: 6 Jan - Book Club goes out,
Lady Gooner: 7 February - I’m either very late or very early. My friend collected a bauble I made before Christmas. I remember I was in a strop at the time and cancelling Christmas.
Lady Gooner: 8 Feb - Is my husband dropping a hint?
Lady Gooner: 9 Feb - A night out
Lady Gooner: 10 Feb - The husband made made homemade kebab.
Lady Gooner: 11 Feb - New reading glasses
Lady Gooner: 12 Feb - I needed a blood test today. My veins vanished so it had to be taken from my hand.
Lady Gooner: 13 Feb - Speedy 32 minute journey to work due to half term.