Missourah gal: Yellow Mums
Missourah gal: Yellow Mum
Missourah gal: Red Roses
Missourah gal: Prayer Plant
Missourah gal: Prayer Plant
Missourah gal: Blue Croton in a Frame
Missourah gal: Christmasy Prayer Plant
Missourah gal: Coleus with flowers
Missourah gal: W--Windmill and Cannas
Missourah gal: Croton with flower
Missourah gal: Back Lit Coleus
Missourah gal: Fuchsia Dahlia
Missourah gal: D--Dahlia Untouched
Missourah gal: M--Mother's-in-Law Tongue Sansaveria plant with flower
Missourah gal: Sansaveria in Bloom
Missourah gal: Sansaveria in Bloom
Missourah gal: Mandevilla Vine
Missourah gal: Grandmother's Flower Garden with Borders
Missourah gal: G--Grandmother's Flower Garden with BordersG
Missourah gal: Grandma's Vinca Flower Garden
Missourah gal: Shrimp Plant
Missourah gal: ZZ Plant in Blue