Elegance Revisited:
My Mother and Her Mini-Me 1, 1965
Elegance Revisited:
My Mother and Her Mini-Me 2, late 60S
Elegance Revisited:
My Mother and her Mini-Me 10
Elegance Revisited:
My mother and her mini-me3
Elegance Revisited:
My Mother and Her Mini-Me 6
Elegance Revisited:
My Mother and Her Mini-Me 7
Elegance Revisited:
My mother and her mini-me 4
Elegance Revisited:
1960s summer style
Elegance Revisited:
My Mother and Her Mini-Me 8, early 70s
Elegance Revisited:
My Mother and Her Mini-Me 5
Elegance Revisited:
My Mother and Her Mini-Me 9, 1980
Elegance Revisited:
The last picture of us together, summer 1996