Ladies European Tour: A Buick Tee Marker
Ladies European Tour: Buick Tee Marker
Ladies European Tour: The third tee at Qizhong Garden GC
Ladies European Tour: Amy Boulden tees off in the Pro Am
Ladies European Tour: Chloe Leurquin in the Pro Am
Ladies European Tour: Shanshan Feng tees off in the Pro Am
Ladies European Tour: Xiyu Lin tees off in the Pro Am
Ladies European Tour: Alexandra Villatte
Ladies European Tour: Buick Championship welcome
Ladies European Tour: Ellie Givens and Marta Sanz
Ladies European Tour: Melissa Reid in a press conference
Ladies European Tour: Melissa Reid, Na Yeon Choi, Shanshan Feng, Xiyu Lin and Victoria Lovelady
Ladies European Tour: Na Yeon Choi, Shanshan feng and Xiyu Lin in a press conference
Ladies European Tour: Na Yeon Choi
Ladies European Tour: Shanshan Feng in a press conference
Ladies European Tour: Shanshan Feng
Ladies European Tour: Victoria Lovelady and caddie
Ladies European Tour: Victoria Lovelady from Brazil
Ladies European Tour: Victoria Lovelady in a press conference
Ladies European Tour: Buick Championship welcome dinner
Ladies European Tour: Diana Luna, Christine Wolf, Chloe Leurquin and Ellie Givens
Ladies European Tour: Entertainment at the Buick Championship welcome dinner
Ladies European Tour: Finale to the welcome dinner
Ladies European Tour: Georgia Hall, Kylie Walker and Pamela Pretswell
Ladies European Tour: Klara Spilkova, Liz Young, Florentyna Parker and Anne Lise Caudal at the welcome dinner
Ladies European Tour: Amateur Ji Yifan, 15
Ladies European Tour: Caroline Martens during the first round of the Buick Championship
Ladies European Tour: Chloe Leurquin during the first round of the Buick Championship
Ladies European Tour: Chloe Leurquin of Belgium
Ladies European Tour: Christine Wolf of Austria