±lada: 犬写 [his burrow]
±lada: 犬写 [something cold to drink]
±lada: 犬写 [he is an untidy sleeper]
±lada: 犬写 [he is waiting]
±lada: 犬写 [he is sitting]
±lada: 犬写 [corneal ulcer]
±lada: 犬写 [dozing]
±lada: 犬撮 [Shake!]
±lada: 犬撮 [one happy dog]
±lada: 犬撮 [(deep) kiss]
±lada: 白黒 [Black & White]
±lada: 必死 [stand firm]
±lada: 手の中 [hug me]
±lada: 待機 [wait!!]
±lada: 愛犬 [new rug]
±lada: 嫁と犬 [wife and dog]
±lada: 幼犬
±lada: Apollo
±lada: Apollo
±lada: 犬撮 [9th birthday]
±lada: 犬写 [close up]
±lada: 犬写 [look away]
±lada: 犬写 [smells like popcorn]
±lada: 犬写 [protect yourself at all points]
±lada: 犬写 [battle!!]
±lada: 犬写 [gingerly]
±lada: 犬撮 [He waits for Mom]
±lada: 待ち人[who wait]
±lada: 犬写 [During the game]
±lada: 犬写 [Before the game]