Arachne2003: P8134228
Arachne2003: P8134229
Arachne2003: P8134232
Arachne2003: P8134236 following a thread
Arachne2003: Ricci-unfinished piece 2
Arachne2003: Ricci-unfinished piece
Arachne2003: The question
Arachne2003: Anchor Manual
Arachne2003: close-up photo of photo in Ricci 2
Arachne2003: close-up photo of photo in Ricci
Arachne2003: incompletely worked background
Arachne2003: Italian needlework blog
Arachne2003: Lamb of God piece
Arachne2003: lots of threads worked back on lamb's head