The Labour Party: Canvassing for #MarRef with the Tánaiste Joan Burton and Minister Kevin Humphreys at Docklands Festival 2015
The Labour Party: abbeyside canvass
The Labour Party: Check the Register - Every Vote Counts
The Labour Party: Dublin Central Marriage Equality
The Labour Party: 1517525_10155580629535051_7268708723692776610_n
The Labour Party: DSC_3414
The Labour Party: DSC_3536
The Labour Party: DSC_3233
The Labour Party: DSC_2467
The Labour Party: #MakeItHappen
The Labour Party: Labour yes equality wexford launch
The Labour Party: yes equality bus in tipp
The Labour Party: 11146559_10206343217356974_3644764524232102789_n
The Labour Party: Launching our #MakeItHappen campaign for the #MarRef
The Labour Party: DSC_2226
The Labour Party: Launching our #MakeItHappen campaign for the #MarRef
The Labour Party: Popping into the Yes Equality Pop up shop in St Stephens Green
The Labour Party: galway city
The Labour Party: skerries canvass
The Labour Party: DSC_3645
The Labour Party: Launching our #MarRef Marriage Equality referendum campaign
The Labour Party: Launching our #MarRef Marriage Equality referendum campaign
The Labour Party: Launching our #MarRef Marriage Equality referendum campaign
The Labour Party: Launching our #MarRef Marriage Equality referendum campaign
The Labour Party: DSC_9604
The Labour Party: Popping into the Yes Equality Pop up shop in St Stephens Green
The Labour Party: Fwd: Fw: equal canvass cork 2
The Labour Party: DSC_4383
The Labour Party: north inner city