The Labour Party: TallaghtStadium
The Labour Party: DSC_2433
The Labour Party: DSC_5744
The Labour Party: Dublin Euro constituency selection convention
The Labour Party: kearns posters
The Labour Party: Dublin Euro constituency selection convention
The Labour Party: Dublin Euro constituency selection convention
The Labour Party: Dublin Euro constituency selection convention
The Labour Party: Labour Women mark Joan Burton's election as Party Leader
The Labour Party: Labour Women mark Joan Burton's election as Party Leader
The Labour Party: Cllr Pamela Kearns speaking after being nominated as Labour Party candidate in forthcoming #DSW14 byelection
The Labour Party: Pamela Kearns
The Labour Party: DSC_4868
The Labour Party: DSC_4764
The Labour Party: DSC_4766
The Labour Party: DSC_4185
The Labour Party: DSC_4509
The Labour Party: DSC_4494
The Labour Party: DSC_4521
The Labour Party: DSC_4529
The Labour Party: DSC_4535
The Labour Party: DSC_4565
The Labour Party: DSC_4571
The Labour Party: DSC_4681
The Labour Party: DSC_4491
The Labour Party: DSC_4723
The Labour Party: DSC_4719
The Labour Party: DSC_4734
The Labour Party: Pamela Kearns
The Labour Party: Tallaght Local Election Launch