The Labour Party: Brendan Carr
The Labour Party: Connolly Commemoration
The Labour Party: Working Together - Conference 2014
The Labour Party: Brendan Carr 1
The Labour Party: DSC_2312
The Labour Party: connolly hospital
The Labour Party: Connolly Commemoration and launch of the Labour Party 1916 Centenary Commemoration Programme
The Labour Party: lbr cllrs
The Labour Party: IMG_2505
The Labour Party: DSC_2300
The Labour Party: bcarr and pay discrimination
The Labour Party: IMG_4066
The Labour Party: hollande
The Labour Party: one Fuschia Appeal launch
The Labour Party: the big slide
The Labour Party: habitat for humanity ireland
The Labour Party: senator george mitchell
The Labour Party: DSC_6512
The Labour Party: DSC_6538
The Labour Party: DSC_6545
The Labour Party: leap card
The Labour Party: mansionhse_sept
The Labour Party: 14434822_1406090706086643_2082945346217986534_o
The Labour Party: 14468552_1406086386087075_6049858966089575279_o
The Labour Party: 14566416_1406084092753971_3107768354595497376_o
The Labour Party: 14567606_1406083712754009_5277584686597624330_o
The Labour Party: 14570271_1404513789577668_4475572671663274251_n
The Labour Party: 14570623_1406090076086706_2826368255321524251_o