The Labour Party: Aideen Carberry
The Labour Party: Alison Gililand
The Labour Party: Anne Breen
The Labour Party: Billy Cameron
The Labour Party: Breeda Bonner
The Labour Party: Brendan Carr
The Labour Party: Brian Collins
The Labour Party: Brian McDowell
The Labour Party: Caroline Townsend
The Labour Party: Carrie Smyth
The Labour Party: Christy Galligan
The Labour Party: Ciaran Byrne
The Labour Party: Ciaran Connolly
The Labour Party: Clement Shevlin
The Labour Party: Colm Purcell
The Labour Party: Darryl o'Callaghan
The Labour Party: Deirdre Kingston
The Labour Party: Denis Leonard
The Labour Party: Denis O'Callaghan
The Labour Party: Derek Mulcahy
The Labour Party: Des Hurley
The Labour Party: Dessie O'Brien
The Labour Party: Detty Cornally
The Labour Party: Duncan Smith
The Labour Party: Eamon Tuffy
The Labour Party: elena secas
The Labour Party: Eoin Holmes
The Labour Party: Fergus Carpenter
The Labour Party: Fiona Bonfield
The Labour Party: Francis Browne