The Labour Party: Denis and Lorraine
The Labour Party: Denis_Leonard_ElectionPoster
The Labour Party: DSC_7948
The Labour Party: Denis Leonard Wesmeath
The Labour Party: 10295790_678305245557404_1769658702776795424_n
The Labour Party: Denis Leonard
The Labour Party: IMG_0028
The Labour Party: Denis-Leonard-Blue
The Labour Party: Denis-Leonard-Red
The Labour Party: 448A5877
The Labour Party: 448A5878
The Labour Party: 448A5882
The Labour Party: 448A5884
The Labour Party: 448A5891
The Labour Party: 448A5892
The Labour Party: 448A5904
The Labour Party: 448A5910
The Labour Party: 448A5911
The Labour Party: 448A5915
The Labour Party: 448A5917
The Labour Party: 448A5919
The Labour Party: 448A5920
The Labour Party: 448A5924
The Labour Party: 448A5925
The Labour Party: 448A5978
The Labour Party: 448A5979
The Labour Party: 448A5982