laboratorio_recreativo: Good morning
laboratorio_recreativo: What I choose is my voice..
laboratorio_recreativo: Far away from the memories of the people who care if I live or die..
laboratorio_recreativo: There's a tune
laboratorio_recreativo: Follow the path
laboratorio_recreativo: Walking around
laboratorio_recreativo: Sketches from Prato
laboratorio_recreativo: Mario is coming;)
laboratorio_recreativo: Sometimes "out of focus" is a state of mind.
laboratorio_recreativo: Home details
laboratorio_recreativo: Sometimes the silence is just too loud
laboratorio_recreativo: Ceci n'est pas un tableau noir
laboratorio_recreativo: you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it's sinking
laboratorio_recreativo: Sunday morning
laboratorio_recreativo: C'eravamo abbastanza amati...
laboratorio_recreativo: my heart is flying away
laboratorio_recreativo: I miss you.