AFL-CIO Field:
New Orleans Avondale Rally
AFL-CIO Field:
LA pic
AFL-CIO Field:
School Supply Drive
AFL-CIO Field:
Lisa Jordan
AFL-CIO Field:
State of the Union Panel
AFL-CIO Field:
City Hall Rally
AFL-CIO Field:
City Hall Rally
AFL-CIO Field:
Balloon Fiesta 2011 271
AFL-CIO Field:
Balloon Fiesta 2011 253
AFL-CIO Field:
Trade Deal Protest
AFL-CIO Field:
Occupy Wall Street
AFL-CIO Field:
Capitol Hill Trade Deal Protest
AFL-CIO Field:
Capitol Hill Trade Deal Protest
AFL-CIO Field:
Capitol Hill Trade Deal Protest
AFL-CIO Field:
Photo credit: Alliance for Retired Americans
AFL-CIO Field:
Credit: Bill Burke/Page One
AFL-CIO Field:
Credit: Bill Burke/Page One
AFL-CIO Field:
Photo Credit: Bill Burke/Page One
AFL-CIO Field:
Credit: Bill Burke/Page One
AFL-CIO Field:
Credit: Bill Burke/Page One
AFL-CIO Field:
Labor rally against Wall Street Banksters, et al. ©2010, Bill Hughes
AFL-CIO Field:
Labor rally against Wall Street Banksters, et al. ©2010, Bill Hughes
AFL-CIO Field:
Labor rally against Wall Street Banksters, et al. ©2010, Bill Hughes
AFL-CIO Field:
AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Liz Shuler: K Street and Wall Street have been bleeding Main Street.
AFL-CIO Field:
K Street Showdown, May 17
AFL-CIO Field:
K Street Showdown, May 17
AFL-CIO Field:
K Street Showdown, May 17
AFL-CIO Field:
AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka and nearly 1,000 union members thanked lawmakers for passing health care.
AFL-CIO Field:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi thanked activists for all their work in building support for the legislation.
AFL-CIO Field:
AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka at the April 29th New York Rally