AFL-CIO Field: CO: Carolyn Gery - Principal of Cesar Chavez Academy in CO Springs & daughter
AFL-CIO Field: CO: Carolyn Gery - Principal of Cesar Chavez Academy in CO Springs & daughter
AFL-CIO Field: CO: Dr. Carolyn Gery - Principal of Cesar Chavez Academy in CO Springs & daughter
AFL-CIO Field: CO: Cesar Chavez March
AFL-CIO Field: CO: Cesar Chavez March
AFL-CIO Field: CO: Cesar Chavez March
AFL-CIO Field: CO: Active citizens write letters to Senators Udall and Bennet supporting Employee Free Choice at march/celebration of Cesar Chavez
AFL-CIO Field: CO: Active citizens write letters to Senators Udall and Bennet supporting Employee Free Choice at march/celebration of Cesar Chavez
AFL-CIO Field: CO: IBEW Local 113's Billy Armold mobilizes around Employee Free Choice at Cesar Chavez March/Memorial
AFL-CIO Field: CO: Ringleaders of CO Springs Cesar Chavez March: Christine Mendias & Rosa Sanches (Democratic Latino Initiative - El Paso County), Chuck Bader - APWU, CO Springs Area Labor Council
AFL-CIO Field: CO: CO Springs Cesar Chavez March draws crowd
AFL-CIO Field: CO: CO Springs Cesar Chavez March (right in red shirts - Christine Mendias & Rosa Sanchez)
AFL-CIO Field: CO: CO Springs Cesar Chavez March
AFL-CIO Field: CO: CO Springs Cesar Chavez March
AFL-CIO Field: CO: CO Springs Cesar Chavez March
AFL-CIO Field: CO: CO Springs Cesar Chavez March
AFL-CIO Field: CO: CO Springs 2nd Annual Cesar Chavez March - Rosa Sanchez
AFL-CIO Field: CO: CO Springs 2nd Annual Cesar Chavez March - Rosa Sanchez
AFL-CIO Field: CO: CO Springs Cesar Chavez March inspires citizens to get active around Employee Free Choice Act
AFL-CIO Field: CO: Billy Armold active around Employee Free Choice!
AFL-CIO Field: CO: CO Springs Cesar Chavez March draws crowd
AFL-CIO Field: CO: CO Springs Cesar Chavez March ringleaders - Christine Mendias & Rosa Sanchez (Democratic Latino Initiative), Chuck Bader - APWU/CO Springs Area Labor Council
AFL-CIO Field: CO: CO Springs Cesar Chavez March
AFL-CIO Field: CO: CO Springs Cesar Chavez March
AFL-CIO Field: CO: Cesar Chavez March/Memorial - affirm workers' rights!
AFL-CIO Field: CO: Cesar Chavez March/Memorial - affirm workers' rights!
AFL-CIO Field: CO: Cesar Chavez March/Memorial - affirm workers' rights!
AFL-CIO Field: CO: Cesar Chavez March/Memorial - affirm workers' rights!
AFL-CIO Field: CO: Cesar Chavez March/Memorial - affirm workers' rights!
AFL-CIO Field: CO: Cesar Chavez March/Memorial - affirm workers' rights!