AFL-CIO Field: NE: Iron Workers 21 at Employee Free Choice Act
AFL-CIO Field: BCTGM 50G and Stu Steffens Ironworkers local 21
AFL-CIO Field: NE: Steamfitters 464 at Omaha Rally
AFL-CIO Field: NE: Omaha Rally on the Employee Free Choice Act
AFL-CIO Field: NE: Employee Free Choice Act Now Sandwich Board
AFL-CIO Field: NE: Omaha Rally
AFL-CIO Field: NE: IBEW 22 and IBEW 1974 at Omaha Rally
AFL-CIO Field: NE: Crowd at Omaha Rally
AFL-CIO Field: NE: Omaha Rally Steamfitters 464
AFL-CIO Field: NE: Logo Omaha Rally
AFL-CIO Field: NE: Working Family
AFL-CIO Field: NE: Union Made Baby Rich Huzuka Stemfitters 464
AFL-CIO Field: NE: Kids for the Employee Free Choice Act
AFL-CIO Field: NE: Bailout Workers Not CEOs
AFL-CIO Field: NE: Omaha Rally
AFL-CIO Field: NE: State Fed President Ken Mass