LabLit: Jennifer Rohn defends the lablit genre at Eastercon 2010
LabLit: Jennifer Rohn projected onto the side of London's Horse Guard's Museum in Martin Firrell's 'Complete Hero' installation (1 of 2)
LabLit: Jennifer Rohn projected onto the side of London's Horse Guard's Museum in Martin Firrell's 'Complete Hero' installation (2 of 2)
LabLit: Jennifer Rohn after running a science/lit/geek chic session at SciFOO, the Googleplex, California
LabLit: Home away from home: Jennifer Rohn working on her third novel in a hotel while on sabbatical in Heidelberg
LabLit: Jennifer Rohn finished Novel 3!
LabLit: Jennifer Rohn being filmed in her lab
LabLit: Screening of DFG Science on Film, at which Jennifer Rohn was the science tutor
LabLit: John and Steve, two fans at Jenny's ASCB book signing
LabLit: Jenny at her ASCB book signing, Philadelphia 2010
LabLit: Jenny at her ASCB book signing, Philadelphia 2010
LabLit: RomanticSuspense
LabLit: IMG_3322
LabLit: Loo