My Twin Fawns
The Cast of Characters
Backyard Snapshots
Pair of Pileated Woodpeckers
The Great Backyard Bird Count
I Need a Speech Bubble
One Doe
My Favorite Doe
He Won First Place in the Pumpkin Carving Contest
Coming in for a Landing
My Deer Family
A Sinister Squirrel Hatching His Evil Plan
Battle Ready
What Makes You Think I Was Stealing Birdseed?
Losing the Velvet
You Brought a Friend!
The Sentinel
The Little Warrior
The Downside of Living With Bears
I've Watched Him Grow Up
Fawns... in my yard!
Northern Flicker Fledgling
Male Goldfinch in Summer Colors
Ruby Throated Hummingbird in Flight
Ruby Throated Hummingbird
More Birdfeeder Chronicles
Did You Hear a Dog?
The Birdfeeder Chronicles
Tree Swallow on Barbed Wire
Indigo Bunting