[Christine]: Elakala #2
[Christine]: Backpacking in Dolly Sods
[Christine]: Pendleton Lake - Blackwater Falls State Park
[Christine]: Douglas Falls
[Christine]: Brilliant Tree - Canaan Valley, WV
[Christine]: Douglas Falls - Tucker County, West Virginia
[Christine]: Well-Disguised Fawn - Canaan Valley State Park
[Christine]: Tolliver Falls - Swallow Falls State Park, Maryland
[Christine]: Pendleton Lake - Blackwater Falls State Park
[Christine]: Canoes on Herrington Lake
[Christine]: Move Along - There's Nothing to See Here
[Christine]: Douglas Falls - Tucker County, West Virginia
[Christine]: Biking the Allegheny Highlands Trail - West Virginia
[Christine]: Blackwater Falls from the Other Side
[Christine]: Seneca Rocks, West Virginia
[Christine]: Frozen Elakala - Blackwater Falls State Park
[Christine]: Canaan Valley, West Virginia
[Christine]: The Blackwater River
[Christine]: Barn in the Snow
[Christine]: Cabin Mountain - Canaan Valley State Park, WV
[Christine]: At the Freezing Point
[Christine]: Snowshoes are Fun!
[Christine]: The Welcoming Committee
[Christine]: Dorks on Ice
[Christine]: Snowed In...
[Christine]: Winter Falls - Blackwater Falls State Park, West Virginia
[Christine]: Canaan Valley, West Virginia
[Christine]: Early Fall at Lake Pendleton
[Christine]: Canaan Valley Sunset
[Christine]: Lone Tree On The Beall Trail