labels_30: DSC_0186 Finally saw the Eagle
labels_30: DSC_0187 The duck is going to duck
labels_30: DSC_0190 Soaring away
labels_30: DSC_0213 Eagle not quite fast enough
labels_30: DSC_0222 Pondering how to get the ducks next time
labels_30: DSC_0250 Bald Eagle Close Up
labels_30: DSC_0063 "Juvenile Bald Eagle"
labels_30: DSC_0136 The elegant and the squawky
labels_30: DSC_0158
labels_30: DSC_0162
labels_30: DSC_0161
labels_30: DSC_0165
labels_30: Diving
labels_30: Reaching up way up.
labels_30: This eagle's flight wasn't cancelled
labels_30: DSC_0212
labels_30: Bald Eagle in Flight
labels_30: Yawn or silent call
labels_30: The eagle has landed
labels_30: Eagle Warning.
labels_30: Flight
labels_30: DSC_0090
labels_30: Eagle dreams
labels_30: DSC_0239
labels_30: DSC_0240
labels_30: DSC_2621
labels_30: DSC_0062 Fledgling Bald Eagles
labels_30: DSC_0066a Gertrude and Heathcliff
labels_30: Look down, way down
labels_30: Flying Away