labels_30: DSC_0097 ?????
labels_30: DSC_0236 ??? Duck
labels_30: DSC_0103 Surf Scoter
labels_30: DSC_0096 Surf scoter
labels_30: DSC_0093 Surf scoter
labels_30: DSC_0061 Noses (or beaks) to the grindstone
labels_30: DSC_0055 6 of 6 Log Rolling Contest
labels_30: DSC_0053 5 of 6 Log rolling Contest
labels_30: DSC_0052 4 of 6 Log Rolling Contest
labels_30: DSC_0051 3 of 6 Log Rolling Contest
labels_30: DSC_0050 2 of 6 Log Rolling Contest
labels_30: DSC_0048 1 of 6 Log Rolling Contest
labels_30: DSC_0507 Horned Grebe
labels_30: DSC_0472
labels_30: DSC_0471 Surf Scoter
labels_30: DSC_0406 Golden Eye Duckling
labels_30: DSC_0371 Hey, where's my towel?
labels_30: DSC_0365 Rehearsing for the next Goose Idol Competition
labels_30: DSC_0303 Sleeping Gosling
labels_30: DSC_0289 Gosling on a mission
labels_30: DSC_0182 Redhead Duck - Explored
labels_30: DSC_0177 Blue Winged Teal - Explored
labels_30: DSC_0124 Red Necked Grebe
labels_30: DSC_0340 Just wish I had a shot of the choir he was conducting
labels_30: DSC_0306 Get out of my way,
labels_30: DSC_0281 Hand feed Geese
labels_30: DSC_0246 American Widgeon - Explored
labels_30: DSC_0236 Golden Eyes
labels_30: DSC_0025 Goal posts
labels_30: DSC_0069