LABavin: two toadstools
LABavin: DSC_2856
LABavin: DSC_2636-1
LABavin: DSC_2678-Edit
LABavin: Half Dome Yosemite
LABavin: Yosemite
LABavin: 8/365 - Smiths Bush
LABavin: Smiths Bush
LABavin: Smiths Bush
LABavin: Smiths Bush - eaten away
LABavin: Smiths Bush - Leaning trees
LABavin: Puriri roots
LABavin: Great Oaks from Little Acorns
LABavin: Lichen- 15/365 March 22nd
LABavin: Bush Blossom
LABavin: Acorn
LABavin: Selectively Coloured - only just
LABavin: Autumn is coming
LABavin: Drip drip - 20/365
LABavin: more fern
LABavin: Fern frond unfurling- flash
LABavin: fern unfurling
LABavin: Unfurling
LABavin: Spiders Web
LABavin: Reflections in the pond - Chelsea Heritage Prk
LABavin: Chelsea Heritage Park
LABavin: Dandelion - April 3 - 27/365
LABavin: Path into the Woods - April 6th 2009 - 30/365
LABavin: 35/365 April 11th 2009 Tarz-hannah
LABavin: Into the forest