la_v_i_k_a: Fresh chamomile... camel tea for @analogbee & @msno.mar 😉 #kamillentee #urbangardening #herbs #gardening #california #fresnocounty #nofilter
la_v_i_k_a: The garden is full of ladybug nymphs, voracious eaters of aphids. #lavender #urbangardening #herbs #california #centralvalley #sanjoaquinvalley #fresnocounty
la_v_i_k_a: Honey bee at work. #honeybee #pollinators #california #centralvalley #sanjoaquinvalley #fresnocounty #spring #Ididntgetstung 🌺
la_v_i_k_a: The real deal. #sunflowers #california #centralvalley #fresnocounty #nofilter
la_v_i_k_a: First Sunflower. #sunflowers #urbangardening #gardening #eatyourflowers #california #fresnocounty
la_v_i_k_a: Fall favorites...long time since they last graced garden. #gardening #diy #flowers #chrysanthemum
la_v_i_k_a: Squash is blossoming. 😊 #urbangardening #gardening #eatyourflowers #california #fresnocounty #nofilter
la_v_i_k_a: Desert Mallow. Keeps the hummingbirds happy, outside my kitchen window. #xeriscape #desertmallow #california #centralvalley #sanjoaquinvalley #fresnocounty #urbangardening #gardening #spring
la_v_i_k_a: End of run bouquet. #3milerun #running #california #sanjoaquinvalley #centralvalley #fresnocounty
la_v_i_k_a: Hollyhocks
la_v_i_k_a: Pink Hollyhocks
la_v_i_k_a: Viola
la_v_i_k_a: Cactus Camoflage
la_v_i_k_a: Cone Flower
la_v_i_k_a: Cone Flower
la_v_i_k_a: Hollyhock Visitor
la_v_i_k_a: Bread Seed Poppy
la_v_i_k_a: Big Red
la_v_i_k_a: Succulent Blooms
la_v_i_k_a: Interiors
la_v_i_k_a: Orchid House
la_v_i_k_a: Tunas
la_v_i_k_a: Squash Blossom
la_v_i_k_a: Pincushion Flower
la_v_i_k_a: Unknown Flowers
la_v_i_k_a: Nasturtium Ninja
la_v_i_k_a: Green Fly on....
la_v_i_k_a: Nasturtium
la_v_i_k_a: Mallow
la_v_i_k_a: Forgot...