♥ Esther ♥: gotta have it
♥ Esther ♥: a place to go...where there is peace
♥ Esther ♥: heaven on earth
♥ Esther ♥: mix a little rain and sunlight and wah lah!
♥ Esther ♥: miracle product
♥ Esther ♥: pizza night
♥ Esther ♥: "La vida es dura hija"
♥ Esther ♥: a dose of nature and "mind your own business"
♥ Esther ♥: is spanish for...
♥ Esther ♥: california autumn
♥ Esther ♥: yellow usually makes me happy
♥ Esther ♥: RIP Popcorn
♥ Esther ♥: The battle is on for Bokehanistan