♥ Esther ♥: Three's Company
♥ Esther ♥: Relief at last...
♥ Esther ♥: (365/5) “Patience and fortitude conquer all things”
♥ Esther ♥: (365/22) Please be well...
♥ Esther ♥: (365/23) Take a deep breath
♥ Esther ♥: (365/28) Ignorance is bliss
♥ Esther ♥: redemption
♥ Esther ♥: (365/30)"Friendship is the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words." - George Elliot
♥ Esther ♥: (365/31) natural high
♥ Esther ♥: My little prayer to the Universe
♥ Esther ♥: (365/33) "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
♥ Esther ♥: (365/34) Coincidence, I think not...
♥ Esther ♥: (365/40) Drenched
♥ Esther ♥: (365/46) Some people go to church every Sunday to give thanks. I cut out the middle man and go to nature and give thanks personally.
♥ Esther ♥: (365/75) "One-half of life is luck; the other half is discipline - and that’s the important half, for without discipline you wouldn’t know what to do with luck." - Carl Zuckmeyer
♥ Esther ♥: (365/49) One day seems like the next
♥ Esther ♥: (365/51) Looks like Spring will be here soon
♥ Esther ♥: Those blossoms are still hanging around :)
♥ Esther ♥: (365/53) Leisure Sunday
♥ Esther ♥: (365/56) Happy Days
♥ Esther ♥: (365/60) It's only March and it looks like Spring is already here.
♥ Esther ♥: "Exhilaration is that feeling you get just after a great idea hits you, and just before you realize what's wrong with it." Rex Harrison
♥ Esther ♥: (365/66) “The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one.” Oscar Wilde
♥ Esther ♥: Same as before, only different...know what I mean?
♥ Esther ♥: Thanks Carol!