♥ Esther ♥: Oh, what's that...a new lens?
♥ Esther ♥: Midnight swim?
♥ Esther ♥: Throwing back a few and watching
♥ Esther ♥: The Moorings
♥ Esther ♥: Rainy day
♥ Esther ♥: Bokeh Heaven
♥ Esther ♥: everyone's favorite blankie
♥ Esther ♥: (365/43) Alternatives
♥ Esther ♥: (365/48) Can we go for another walk?
♥ Esther ♥: (365/49) One day seems like the next
♥ Esther ♥: (365/51) Looks like Spring will be here soon
♥ Esther ♥: fencekeh
♥ Esther ♥: Those blossoms are still hanging around :)
♥ Esther ♥: (365/53) Leisure Sunday
♥ Esther ♥: (365/57) "Catastrophe is the essence of the spiritual path, a series of breakdowns allowing us to discover the threads that weave all of life into a whole cloth. "
♥ Esther ♥: (365/58) Dinner & Drinks
♥ Esther ♥: (365/60) It's only March and it looks like Spring is already here.
♥ Esther ♥: (365/61) Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. –Mahatma Gandhi
♥ Esther ♥: Transparency
♥ Esther ♥: I love a rainy night!
♥ Esther ♥: From Scotty's Kitchen- Sliders
♥ Esther ♥: (365/67) Bronze Wrangler
♥ Esther ♥: Vintage Toys
♥ Esther ♥: Spring thru a jar
♥ Esther ♥: From Scotty's Kitchen- Crab Cakes
♥ Esther ♥: (365/71) OOps, I forgot