l_dawg2000: Happy Labor Day! (but from where)?
l_dawg2000: 2000 calories a day? More like 2000 calories a minute!
l_dawg2000: About to embark on another Publix adventure...
l_dawg2000: Across aisle 1
l_dawg2000: Across our company
l_dawg2000: A cut above
l_dawg2000: Across the front (DIP!)
l_dawg2000: Additional view of aisle 1
l_dawg2000: A cool Publix name for crackers!
l_dawg2000: A not-so inspired name for wheat bread :(
l_dawg2000: All varieties of Bonefish Grill gift cards (for some odd reason)
l_dawg2000: Another Cheez-It overload situation
l_dawg2000: Aisle 12
l_dawg2000: Alabama local
l_dawg2000: Another view from the parking lot
l_dawg2000: As seen in the front vestibule
l_dawg2000: Atkins products
l_dawg2000: Back aisle
l_dawg2000: Bakery
l_dawg2000: Behold, the fresh cut fruit counter!
l_dawg2000: Beverage stand
l_dawg2000: Bonus view of frozen foods (before we even see the first views)!
l_dawg2000: brush your heart out!
l_dawg2000: Canned and international items on aisle 3
l_dawg2000: caprese chicken vs. orange chicken
l_dawg2000: Cart corral
l_dawg2000: Checkout to smile about :)
l_dawg2000: Cheese
l_dawg2000: Chocolate chip cookies
l_dawg2000: Cloves vs. basil