l_dawg2000: Remodel has struck Southaven Walmart (egad!)
l_dawg2000: Subway in the back!
l_dawg2000: Lowe'smart!
l_dawg2000: On second thought...
l_dawg2000: Ghost & Living (Southaven Walmart)
l_dawg2000: Visionless
l_dawg2000: When Wallyworld's new CEO recently said half their stores could use sprucing up, THIS was the half he was talking about!
l_dawg2000: ... where you'll be floored by our new(ly repainted!) services department
l_dawg2000: Southaven Walmart cavernous crafts area
l_dawg2000: Homeless at Southaven Walmart
l_dawg2000: Grocery shelving reset
l_dawg2000: Empty greetings from the Southaven Walmart...
l_dawg2000: Signage along the back wall (back at Southaven Walmart)
l_dawg2000: How low can our prices go!?
l_dawg2000: Oh Brother, Where a.R.T. thou, "r" and "t"!?? (Southaven Walmart remodel)
l_dawg2000: The all-spark TV channel
l_dawg2000: Subway, painted into a box
l_dawg2000: Floor tile replacement moves to sporting goods and toys
l_dawg2000: Making the spark all spiffy again!
l_dawg2000: Go right, young man!
l_dawg2000: Get lost, young man!
l_dawg2000: Now you see the pharmacy box rear signage...
l_dawg2000: ...now you don't
l_dawg2000: Bike sale blowout!
l_dawg2000: Southaven Walmart: Cheap Impact sign replacement in progress (early October 2015)...
l_dawg2000: Small baby gear & furniture sign: a bad omen of what was to come
l_dawg2000: +1 for the bilingual signage (what little there is of it)
l_dawg2000: Pet Care had the last remaining (early, original Project Impact) photo style wall décor
l_dawg2000: "Upgrades" in progress (Southaven Walmart)
l_dawg2000: Men's Wear (after)