l_dawg2000: The last Memphis area wannabe neon Kroger loses it's décor (Batesville, MS)
l_dawg2000: pharmacy side view
l_dawg2000: Northeast corner, redone
l_dawg2000: Produce, looking back toward dairy
l_dawg2000: Another crispy brown bakery
l_dawg2000: milk-dairy (to the right), unposted May 2014 photo
l_dawg2000: milk-dairy corner, Jan. 10 2015
l_dawg2000: North entryway, where wall repainting had yet to be finished
l_dawg2000: View of some of the front registers
l_dawg2000: Pharmacy-Bakery transition, unposted from May 2014
l_dawg2000: Pharmacy-Bakery transition, January 2015
l_dawg2000: Meat department, looking from the edge of frozen foods
l_dawg2000: Guest care and cigarettes (Batesville Kroger remodel)
l_dawg2000: Deli corner, May 2014
l_dawg2000: Deli corner, January 2015
l_dawg2000: floral department
l_dawg2000: His and Her beauty, aisle 9
l_dawg2000: Funky freezer transition!
l_dawg2000: Jan. 10, 2015 "We come" to (Batesville MS) Kroger front sign was still here
l_dawg2000: Huh!!??? This sign placement ain't much better!
l_dawg2000: Jan. 31, 2015 - deli corner completed
l_dawg2000: Here's how the freezer wall paint scheme turned out, 3 weeks later
l_dawg2000: Floral department makeover, with new back wall dairy sign
l_dawg2000: Green wall of blankness, at the Batesville Kroger: Jan. 10, 2015
l_dawg2000: Old freezer removal (UPDATE: "new" ones seen here), side wall in the produce department (Batesville Kroger)
l_dawg2000: Batesville Kroger garden circle sign
l_dawg2000: bakery-deli area, Jan. 31, 2015
l_dawg2000: "...eat" & seafood, May 2014
l_dawg2000: meat & fish, Jan. 2015
l_dawg2000: Front area overview, with another low letter basket stlye sign