l_dawg2000: Day 361 - New Samsung, decommissioned HTC (2010 called, it wants it's phone back!)
l_dawg2000: Day 342 - flickr Black Day
l_dawg2000: Bauhaus-2012 decor concept photo (3)
l_dawg2000: Bauhaus-2012 decor concept photo (2)
l_dawg2000: Bauhaus-2012 decor concept photo (1)
l_dawg2000: The Plan (list finally completed)!
l_dawg2000: The Plan (for now anyway)
l_dawg2000: Day 200
l_dawg2000: Scrrenshot - fluidr 2
l_dawg2000: Screenshot-Fluidr
l_dawg2000: Screenshot-flickriver
l_dawg2000: Wendy's, Mississippi gulf coast (matchbook), 1979
l_dawg2000: Wendy's new girl makes an appearance in Southaven
l_dawg2000: No, I have NOT left the building!
l_dawg2000: New flickr photo page, now I can at least live with it!
l_dawg2000: Seen (and purchased) at Kroger Olive Branch
l_dawg2000: Winter's last gasp? Don't bet on it!
l_dawg2000: Day 110 - Church of Wrestling!
l_dawg2000: Save a Scehdulr backup file, then do what to restore a trashed configuration?? (does anyone know!?)
l_dawg2000: New (unplanned) summer side project
l_dawg2000: Dust and deterioration
l_dawg2000: Test for echo
l_dawg2000: Woofer removal
l_dawg2000: Woofer rear view
l_dawg2000: Woofer 1 of 2: cleaned and ready for refoaming
l_dawg2000: 07 Speaker project part II - woofer no. 2 cleanup
l_dawg2000: 08 Evil woofer vs. good woofer!
l_dawg2000: 09 One part of the project that DID go well
l_dawg2000: Ridin' with the King
l_dawg2000: Former S. Prekins Kroger, as seen during the Seessel's era (restored front logo)