LeighPeigh: When the middle aged man in a suit hopped on and rode his cart down the ramp, Jer took it as a sign that this was a socially acceptable maneuver. They shared technique tips on the way down.
LeighPeigh: At least once you've cycled to the top of that damn hill there's something to look at.
LeighPeigh: This is the owner of a little shoe repair shop downtown. He reminds me of Mr Miyagi. And yes I know he's not Japanese.
LeighPeigh: Here's something for you bark fetishists.
LeighPeigh: Aw summer, don't go.
LeighPeigh: Current status: not diving.
LeighPeigh: That time @vanmega jumped into Lake Okanagan.
LeighPeigh: Today I decided not to wear three pairs of pants and spend the day shivering on the saddle of a motorcycle. Pret-ty good.
LeighPeigh: Eating fresh peas out of the garden. My motorcycle is parked on the lawn. This is all in stark contrast to my downtown Vancouver lifestyle.
LeighPeigh: Phoebe. Sweet as pie, old as dirt. Smells like ALL THE DOG BREATH.
LeighPeigh: Back in my hometown for a short spell. Visited my university. Small but a pretty cool place.
LeighPeigh: Sunset in The Pig.
LeighPeigh: Waiting for bears that never came.
LeighPeigh: Alaska. Majestic as all hell.
LeighPeigh: Hah, stupid bears, they'll never figure this out.
LeighPeigh: Because in this town, there's no need to differentiate.
LeighPeigh: Just to prove that duct tape really can fix anything, I concocted a splint out of it to repair the broken headphone jack on my helmet Bluetooth device. At a pullout in the middle of nowhere in northern BC. Then I ate some crackers.
LeighPeigh: Soaking my travelers bones. Motorcycles are hard on the body, yo!