Victor Engmark: Remco, Jean-Benoît, Violaine, Marieke
Victor Engmark: Szczepan faking
Victor Engmark: Cheese factory and mountains by Cédric's home
Victor Engmark: Cédric's home, Sandric
Victor Engmark: Getting ready
Victor Engmark: JB in the lead
Victor Engmark: JB playing "find the glove" 1
Victor Engmark: JB playing "find the glove" 2
Victor Engmark: JB playing "find the glove" 3
Victor Engmark: Violaine, Marieke, Remco, Damien, Cédric
Victor Engmark: Damien in the slope
Victor Engmark: View of the alps 1
Victor Engmark: View of the alps 2
Victor Engmark: View of the alps 3
Victor Engmark: Na zdrowie, JB!
Victor Engmark: What the F...
Victor Engmark: Round after round of Norwegian aquavit
Victor Engmark: Violaine & Szczepan
Victor Engmark: Vio in the mood
Victor Engmark: JB is getting, uh, lively
Victor Engmark: Wazzat?
Victor Engmark: Vio in style
Victor Engmark: Snowy landscape
Victor Engmark: Violaine on the way
Victor Engmark: The grin, by Munch
Victor Engmark: Snowy trails
Victor Engmark: Down a ski slope
Victor Engmark: JB in snow trouble
Victor Engmark: View of the valley
Victor Engmark: 1st group coming down