Victor Engmark: Gesine's room
Victor Engmark: The hall
Victor Engmark: Getting ready
Victor Engmark: Stefan 1 of 3
Victor Engmark: unknown is using the table as walking support
Victor Engmark: unknown helping Martin with the beer 1 of 2
Victor Engmark: unknown helping Martin with the beer 2 of 2
Victor Engmark: Martin won't waste the delicious soup
Victor Engmark: Rosa helping Martin with the soup
Victor Engmark: The gang 1 of 2
Victor Engmark: The gang 2 of 2
Victor Engmark: Nina and Anaheli
Victor Engmark: Stefan 2 of 3
Victor Engmark: Stefan 3 of 3
Victor Engmark: Konstanz - Towards Rheintorturm
Victor Engmark: Lake Constance from the Rhine outlet
Victor Engmark: unknown, unknown, Gesine, unknown, unknown
Victor Engmark: unknown in camera battle
Victor Engmark: Martin on the edge
Victor Engmark: Lake Constance pebble beach
Victor Engmark: Balanced statues 1 of 2
Victor Engmark: Balanced statues 2 of 2
Victor Engmark: The artist showing his tricks 1 of 2
Victor Engmark: The artist showing his tricks 2 of 2
Victor Engmark: Andreas and his statue
Victor Engmark: That's not very stable, but it holds
Victor Engmark: Martin, Rosa, unknown, Gesine, Stefan
Victor Engmark: unknown picking stones