kyuteepy: the ice sculpture
kyuteepy: the drink goes through the ice sculpture
kyuteepy: melanie, bradley, and adelina
kyuteepy: melanie, bradley & adelina
kyuteepy: ade, BL, sean, char
kyuteepy: which camera are we lookin at anyway?
kyuteepy: melanie & brian
kyuteepy: adelina & melanie
kyuteepy: leah and babs
kyuteepy: melanie & leah
kyuteepy: a blurry mig
kyuteepy: adelina & mig
kyuteepy: do i look tall? bitches and sucka
kyuteepy: melanie & arte
kyuteepy: lee & melanie
kyuteepy: justin & melanie
kyuteepy: justin & melanie again
kyuteepy: nadine & melanie
kyuteepy: brian & mig (probably talking about football)
kyuteepy: fern and his lovely wife
kyuteepy: melanie, lee & arte -- the WAP team
kyuteepy: CIMG1339
kyuteepy: sunmin, david, and melanie
kyuteepy: tory, adrian and arte
kyuteepy: ade, mig, & melanie
kyuteepy: bradley, adelina, fredrik, and melanie
kyuteepy: adelina makes a kissy face
kyuteepy: adelina and fredrik
kyuteepy: the mig
kyuteepy: CIMG1349