kythryne: front garden
kythryne: strawberry plants
kythryne: broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and lettuce
kythryne: plants in my studio window
kythryne: blue geranium
kythryne: pincushion plant
kythryne: clematis, partly open
kythryne: peony bud, still tightly furled
kythryne: moss rose bud
kythryne: patio w/ hostas and ferns and violets
kythryne: onions, slightly the worse for wear
kythryne: tiny pea seedlings
kythryne: weigela
kythryne: lily of the valley
kythryne: planter full of nasturtiums
kythryne: asparagus!
kythryne: the enormous bleeding heart
kythryne: vegetable and melon seedlings waiting to be planted
kythryne: spider plant flower
kythryne: basil
kythryne: wildflower
kythryne: shasta daisy, not quite open
kythryne: some of my 31 tomato plants
kythryne: peony bushes
kythryne: kitty in the neighbor's yard
kythryne: clematis by back stairs
kythryne: weigela and columbine
kythryne: corn! (and pea seedlings just emerging)
kythryne: white poppy
kythryne: tree canopy -- so dense it stays dark all day