kit e kat: Doozer
kit e kat: My Sunshine (Zoom Zoom Zoom!)
kit e kat: Happy Birthday!
kit e kat: Macro Tacko
kit e kat: Chess anyone?
kit e kat: The piggy bank that was in my grandpa's house when I was growing up
kit e kat: Piggy bank close-up
kit e kat: Lemon close-up
kit e kat: Through the looking glass
kit e kat: Poker size beer!
kit e kat: DSCN2520a
kit e kat: Awnings at Liang's
kit e kat: Awning cropped 1
kit e kat: Awning cropped 2
kit e kat: Yello 'brellas
kit e kat: Watch out now!
kit e kat: Phallic cactus
kit e kat: Phallic Cactus 2
kit e kat: Psychadelic Ratty
kit e kat: Experimenting with fire 1
kit e kat: Experimenting with fire 2
kit e kat: Experimenting with fire 4
kit e kat: Experimenting with fire 5
kit e kat: Cool car mag holders
kit e kat: Sexy feller, aint he?
kit e kat: Amarilis' foot
kit e kat: Christmas wreath from almost a year ago