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Friday Night Party Time by kit e kat
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kit e kat
Random people sitting outside Crooked Bayou
kit e kat
Through the window
kit e kat
View across the street
kit e kat
Karen and Kat
kit e kat
Tim and Nicole
kit e kat
Rob and Alicia
kit e kat
Emily and Jared
kit e kat
Crowd at Crooked Bayou
kit e kat
EO Tribe
kit e kat
Chad, Kat, Karen
kit e kat
Karen, Chad, Kat
kit e kat
Christmas trees
kit e kat
kit e kat
Jason and Maria
kit e kat
Crowd at Sky60
kit e kat
Camera shy Maria, Nicole, Tamara
kit e kat
kit e kat
Rob and Diane
kit e kat
Julie and Kat
kit e kat
This is what Winter in Florida looks like
kit e kat
Palm tree on the roof at Sky60
kit e kat
Dave's drink, Q-Burns, Adam
kit e kat
On the roof
kit e kat
Jade and Kat
kit e kat
Geraldine (aka best damned bartender!)
kit e kat
DJ's best friend
kit e kat
Eric and Lisa
kit e kat
No more alcohol
kit e kat
Chad Allen
kit e kat
Crazy Chad
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