Kyle Strickland: METRO's Red Lights at Priest Station
Kyle Strickland: METRO's Priest Washington Station
Kyle Strickland: Train at Priest Washington Station
Kyle Strickland: Train Passing Town Lake Bridge
Kyle Strickland: Train at Priest Washington Station 2
Kyle Strickland: Canopies at Priest Washington Station
Kyle Strickland: Art at Priest and Washington Station
Kyle Strickland: Canopy and Louvers at Priest and Washington Station
Kyle Strickland: METRO at Central and Adams
Kyle Strickland: Metro on Central south of Adams
Kyle Strickland: Central and Adams Station looking North up Central
Kyle Strickland: 3rd and Washington Station
Kyle Strickland: Van Buren and Central Station
Kyle Strickland: Train at Van Buren and Central Station
Kyle Strickland: Train at Priest Platform
Kyle Strickland: Train at Adams and Central
Kyle Strickland: IMG_0088
Kyle Strickland: Inside Credit - Florida Engineering Journal
Kyle Strickland: Cover Photo for Florida Engineering Journal
Kyle Strickland: Town Lake Bridge & Priest Station