kylestevensmusic: Kirby Krackle Patreon Performing Photo
kylestevensmusic: No one has label art down in the #craftbeer game like Gigantic Brewing. Always exceptional. This stout is pretty nice too; toffee, coffee, chocolate, and leather. Not pleather. Like my pants.
kylestevensmusic: Reason #216 that if I lived somewhere else it would be San Diego.
kylestevensmusic: Bluesy IPA. @dogfishbeer #craftbeer
kylestevensmusic: Palo Santo Marron by @dogfishbeer. So woody, holmes. #craftbeer
kylestevensmusic: Loyal to native breweries during this trip. Can't get this in Seattle...I'll miss it. #craftbeer
kylestevensmusic: One of the kings. Every time. #craftbeer
kylestevensmusic: I found them...and I'm scared. #craftbeer @stonebrewingco
kylestevensmusic: Discovered a great new piney IPA from Avery Brewing yesterday called "duganA" ale. I don't know what that means... #craftbeer
kylestevensmusic: GIGANTIC always has the best labels. #craftbeer
kylestevensmusic: Double Los Bastardo. *small glass* #craftbeer
kylestevensmusic: I think the top of my mouth is ripped off. Did I just eat lawnmower clippings? In a good way. #craftbeer
kylestevensmusic: New York bound. See you tomorrow #NYCC from 12-4 in booth #Aa4.
kylestevensmusic: Sampling new @charginghippo Amarillo/Nelson Sauvin session IPA test-batch. Floral, floral, floral (passion-fruit?).
kylestevensmusic: For my money, the kings of Denver. 9.5%. Mocha Choca latta ya-ya. Bigfoot is real. #craftbeer @greatdividebrewing.
kylestevensmusic: P-51 Porter from @wingmanbrewers...I think their logo and branding is genius. The porter is great, too. 8%. Tastes like your grandpa flew it. #craftbeer
kylestevensmusic: The new offering from @hilliardsbeer might just make me a football fan yet. #the12thcan #craftbeer
kylestevensmusic: With maple SYZURP from the kings of Delaware. #craftbeer
kylestevensmusic: Great Divide Brewing Belgian white ale. Spicy, and though not my favorite does what a white-ale should do by style definition. *snorts and pushes up glasses* #craftbeer
kylestevensmusic: Last saison of the year. I can't tell the differences between them anymore, but I DO do this has the prettiest label. That's all I got, folks. #craftbeer
kylestevensmusic: Not only does it look like the video game Wolfenstein, but it's awesome tasting as well. @giganticbrewing #latergram #craftbeer
kylestevensmusic: We have a crisis, folks. The good kind. #craftbeer #latergram
kylestevensmusic: @stonebrewingco GÖTTERDÄMMERUNG 17th Anniversary ale is the Götterdämmerungiest. 9.3% and holla at your Germans. #craftbeer
kylestevensmusic: Hopworks "Single Hop" series #2. This time, centennial hops. "Single hop", as in "I'm just not looking to be involved with someone right now." #craftbeer
kylestevensmusic: Happy #ipaday @stonebrewingco! It's like a #craftbeer piña colada in your mouth.
kylestevensmusic: Number 12 in the Gigantic Brewing series, "High Fidelity" Pale ale is pretty simple but the killer bottle art makes it taste better. For my money, no one is doing art better. #craftbeer
kylestevensmusic: THIS on the other hand, is one of the best beers I've ever had. Avery Brewing's 20th Anniversary IPA. 9%. Hoppy as a mother. Like diving into a pool of hops, but without the itching. #craftbeer
kylestevensmusic: A #craftbeer of an appropriate name for the first night home after the #soundslikeyoutour.
kylestevensmusic: Celebrating the 4th Kirby Krwckle album, "Sounds Like You" out tomorrow w/ the good stuff. What can I say? "Ruinten" is amazing and we must all bow before @stonebrewingco. A waterfall of hops and potential headache. Will be worth it. #craftbeer
kylestevensmusic: Today marks a year since Logi passed. Thinking of the stinky man today and thankful for the adventures we had!