Kyle Shrives:
Man vs Horse!
Kyle Shrives:
<3 DC
Kyle Shrives:
Could spend all day in DC =]
Kyle Shrives:
Washington Monument
Kyle Shrives:
Kyle Shrives:
Willard Lobby
Kyle Shrives:
Tiles in Willard
Kyle Shrives:
WALL!!! =]
Kyle Shrives:
Dark Reflection
Kyle Shrives:
Standing Proud
Kyle Shrives:
Snow day, outside of work
Kyle Shrives:
Kyle Shrives:
DC Duck, looks depressed?
Kyle Shrives:
Water fail!
Kyle Shrives:
Do you think hes sick of the view by now?
Kyle Shrives:
had to xD
Kyle Shrives:
After realizing that I lied he doesn't want to pose :$
Kyle Shrives:
I pointed and shouted food, soo gullible.
Kyle Shrives:
Kyle Shrives:
Look of a killer!
Kyle Shrives:
Ride a cowboy :D
Kyle Shrives:
A Fallen Brother.
Kyle Shrives:
Transmissions from hell.
Kyle Shrives:
Looking out.
Kyle Shrives:
Step right up fellas!!!
Kyle Shrives:
Last man to go is a rotten egg :/
Kyle Shrives:
Hold up!
Kyle Shrives:
Battle of Bloody Gulch
Kyle Shrives:
Two sides of the war join with smiles