The Slushey One: Robomini07(beastie)
The Slushey One: robomini06(red robin)
The Slushey One: robomini05(crab)
The Slushey One: Robomini03 (gun walker)
The Slushey One: robomini04 (rolypoly)
The Slushey One: Robomini02 (striker)
The Slushey One: Robomini01 (beetle)
The Slushey One: 自由タイガー
The Slushey One: Fear The Sword
The Slushey One: Light Bikes
The Slushey One: Volcano Scout
The Slushey One: Arctic Recon
The Slushey One: VV A.04 flying unit
The Slushey One: Pylon Suit (Gundam Variant)
The Slushey One: Wolf MADP
The Slushey One: red stompy
The Slushey One: white stompy
The Slushey One: mini VTOL
The Slushey One: mini vert tank
The Slushey One: Vic Viper: Speed Demon