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Salamanders and Newts by Kyle L.E.
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Kyle L.E.
Ambystoma mavortium (Barred Tiger Salamander)
Kyle L.E.
Ambystoma opacum (Marbled Salamander)
Kyle L.E.
Ambystoma maculatum (Spotted Salamander)
Kyle L.E.
Ambystoma maculatum (Spotted Salamander)
Kyle L.E.
Ambystoma texanum (Smallmouth Salamander)
Kyle L.E.
Ambystoma maculatum (Spotted Salamander)
Kyle L.E.
Ambystoma maculatum (Spotted Salamander)
Kyle L.E.
Eurycea guttolineata (Three-lined Salamander)
Kyle L.E.
Ambystoma opacum (Marbled Salamander)
Kyle L.E.
Eurycea quadridigitata (Dwarf Salamander)
Kyle L.E.
Ambystoma opacum (Marbled Salamander)
Kyle L.E.
Ambystoma opacum (Marbled Salamander)
Kyle L.E.
Ambystoma texanum (Smallmouth Salamander)
Kyle L.E.
Ambystoma texanum (Smallmouth Salamander)
Kyle L.E.
Ambystoma texanum (Smallmouth Salamander)
Kyle L.E.
Ambystoma texanum (Smallmouth Salamander)
Kyle L.E.
Ambystoma opacum (Marbled Salamander)
Kyle L.E.
Ambystoma texanum (Smallmouth Salamander)
Kyle L.E.
Ambystoma texanum (Smallmouth Salamander)
Kyle L.E.
Ambystoma texanum (Smallmouth Salamander)
Kyle L.E.
Ambystoma opacum (Marbled Salamander)
Kyle L.E.
Ambystoma opacum (Marbled Salamander)
Kyle L.E.
Ambystoma opacum (Marbled Salamander)
Kyle L.E.
Ambystoma opacum (Marbled Salamander)
Kyle L.E.
Ambystoma opacum (Marbled Salamander)
Kyle L.E.
Ambystoma texanum (Smallmouth Salamander)
Kyle L.E.
Ambystoma texanum (Smallmouth Salamander)
Kyle L.E.
Ambystoma texanum (Smallmouthed Salamander)
Kyle L.E.
Floodplain Forest
Kyle L.E.
Eurycea quadridigitata (Dwarf Salamander)
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