Kyla and Alex's Excellent Adventures: Alex and Kyla and the Gothenburg tram
Kyla and Alex's Excellent Adventures: all aboard - Swedish ferry
Kyla and Alex's Excellent Adventures: Alex and the stone cottage
Kyla and Alex's Excellent Adventures: Percy getting the hot-tub going
Kyla and Alex's Excellent Adventures: dinner with the Davidssons
Kyla and Alex's Excellent Adventures: Malin's dessert - yum!
Kyla and Alex's Excellent Adventures: in Malin's parents' hot-tub
Kyla and Alex's Excellent Adventures: wooden rollercoaster, Liseberg
Kyla and Alex's Excellent Adventures: wooden rollercoaster, Liseberg
Kyla and Alex's Excellent Adventures: CSCSC dinner, Gothenburg
Kyla and Alex's Excellent Adventures: fishing village on the Swedish west coast
Kyla and Alex's Excellent Adventures: fishing village on the Swedish west coast
Kyla and Alex's Excellent Adventures: eco hotel's lakeside spot
Kyla and Alex's Excellent Adventures: eco hotel's lakeside spot
Kyla and Alex's Excellent Adventures: bronze age rock carvings
Kyla and Alex's Excellent Adventures: Alex in the Swedish wilderness